Mervin Smucker has a doctorate in Psychology and is internationally known for his work in the treatment of trauma. Since 1990, he has been conducting seminars, lectures, and workshops regularly on the international scene. He combines theory and research with clinical practice and presents his work in a clear, lively and engaging manner. Recognized for his creative and innovative applications of imagery within a cognitive-behavioural therapeutic framework, Mervin Smucker has developed a range of video, teaching, and training materials designed to assist clinicians in implementing effective treatment interventions with patients suffering from PTSD and related sequelae of trauma.
Mervin Smucker – Imagery Rescripting
Dr. Mervin Smucker began his initial clinical experiments with imagery rescripting as a clinical associate professor at the University of Pennsylvania, where he also served as Director of Education and Clinical Training and spent years working closely with Prof. Aaron Beck at the Center for Cognitive Therapy. In 1994, his first scientific publication on Imagery Rescripting appeared, which detailed its clinical application with trauma and PTSD. Mervin Smucker spent the next 20 years developing and refining his treatment – today known as Imagery Rescripting & Reprocessing Therapy (IRRT) – and its clinical applications not only with trauma-related material, but with other clinical disorders and distressing symptoms as well. Today, Imagery Rescripting & Reprocessing Therapy is one of the leading internationally recognized treatments for clinical symptoms relating to trauma.
As author of many scientific articles on the treatment of trauma and PTSD, Mervin Smucker has published numerous articles and several books on the topic of imagery rescripting, which include:
- Imagery Rescripting: Therapiemanual zur Behandlung von posttraumatischen Belastungsstörungen nach sexuellem Missbrauch (1997);
- Cognitive-Behavioral Treatment for Adult Survivors of Childhood Trauma: Imagery Rescripting and Reprocessing (1999)
- Imagery Rescripting & Reprocessing Therapy: Behandlungs-manual für Typ I Trauma (2008).
Sites about Mervin Smucker
My blogs
- mervinsmuckertravels.wordpress.com
- www.mervinsmuckerpsychologist.com
- www.mervin-smucker-phd.com
- www.smuckerpsychology.com